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Fillet with Black Truffle

Filetto al tartufo Nero

Fillet with black truffle – variant 1

Ingredients for 4 people:

  • 4 veal fillets (medium sized)
  • 1 jar of 50g Summer Truffle Cream
  • salt to taste, flour, oil, white wine


Brown the floured fillets in a pan with a pinch of salt: as soon as they are golden brown, turn off the heat and add a little flour and white wine to the cooking liquid, stirring gently for a few minutes. Eliminate any residual lumps and pour the truffle cream into the sauce. Submerge the fillets and serve them piping hot.

Fillet with black truffle – variant 2

Ingredients for 4 people:

  • 4 veal fillets (medium sized)
  • 1 jar of 80g of Ground Summer Truffle
  • salt to taste, flour, oil, white wine


Brown the floured meat in a pan until golden brown. Mix the white wine and a little flour into the cooking liquid, keeping them on the heat for a few minutes. After filtering everything, add the ground truffle. The sauce in which to submerge the fillets is ready! Serve piping hot.

Fillet with black truffle – variant 3

Ingredients for 4 people:

  • 4 veal fillets (medium sized)
  • 1 jar of 80g of Ground Summer Truffle
  • salt to taste, flour, oil, white wine


Coat the fillets in flour with a pinch of salt and brown them in a pan. Keep them warm and dilute a little flour and white wine in the cooking liquid, stirring for a few minutes. After filtering any lumps, add the ground truffle and immerse the fillets in the sauce. Serve piping hot.

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