THE fresh truffles are one of the products of excellence of Italian gastronomy, renowned and sought after throughout the world. These are prized hypogeal mushrooms that grow underground in symbiosis with the roots of plants such as oaks, limes and hazelnuts. Truffles develop in natural environments that cannot be cultivated, in suitable areas characterized by siliceous or calcareous soils.
But what makes fresh truffles so special? What are the fine truffles ? How are they collected, preserved and used in the kitchen? In this article we will try to answer these questions, providing useful information and practical advice to better appreciate this extraordinary product of the Italian territory.
Characteristics of fresh truffles
Fresh truffles are different from preserved truffles or frozen, which have a lower quality and a limited shelf life. Fresh truffles, in fact, maintain their organoleptic properties intact. Furthermore, fresh truffles are safer from a hygienic-sanitary point of view, as they do not undergo treatments that could alter their nature.
Fresh truffles are available in different varieties; the best known and most appreciated are:
- The white truffle ( Tuber magnatum Pico ), also called the white truffle of Alba or the prized white truffle. It is harvested from September to December and has a color that varies from white to yellow ochre, an irregular shape and a smooth surface. Its aroma is intense and persistent, while its flavor is delicate and aromatic. It is considered the king of truffles and has a very high price, which can reach thousands of euros per kilo.
- The prized black truffle ( Tuber melanosporum ), also called the black Périgord truffle or black winter truffle. It is harvested from November to March and has a black or dark brown colour, a rounded shape and a warty surface. Its aroma is pleasant and penetrating, while its flavour is strong and spicy. prized black truffles They are highly appreciated in cooking and have a medium-high price, which can vary from hundreds to thousands of euros per kilo.
- The black summer truffle ( Tuber aestivum ), also called black truffle scorzone or black autumn truffle. It is harvested from May to September, throughout Italy. It is characterized by its light brown or grayish color, irregular shape and wrinkled surface. Its scent is light and pleasant, while its flavor is sweet and delicate. It is the most widespread and the least expensive among fresh truffles, with a price that can vary from tens to hundreds of euros per kilo.
Collection and distribution of fresh truffles
There fresh truffle harvest It is an activity regulated by specific rules that vary from region to region. In general, to collect fresh truffles you need to have a license issued by the competent authorities, a dog trained to search for truffles and a small tool called a spade, which is used to delicately dig the ground without damaging the truffle.
The collection of fresh truffles is carried out by truffle hunters, who know the best places and times to find truffles. They go to the truffle ground , or the wooded area where truffles grow, accompanied by their dogs, who sniff and signal the presence of truffles underground. In this regard it should be said that they are distinguished different types of truffle grounds depending on the truffle species and the ripening period. Natural truffle grounds develop spontaneously in suitable areas, such as the Italian truffle grounds or the famous French truffle grounds of Burgundy. There are also artificial truffle grounds planted by man, which reproduce the ideal habitat for the development of truffles by controlling their growth. Winter truffle grounds are, instead, environments suited for the development of prized white truffles . Each truffle ground has unique characteristics given by the truffle species, the soil and the microclimate, elements that influence the particular aroma of the truffles.
Once the truffle is found, the truffle hunter carefully extracts it, cleans it roughly and stores it in a suitable container. The fresh truffles collected by the truffle hunters are then sold on the market, whether local, national or international. The sales channels for fresh truffles are different: from local markets to specialized shops, from fairs to restaurants, from farms to websites. The price, then, depends on various factors, such as quality, quantity, supply and demand.
Preservation and cleaning of fresh truffles
THE fresh truffles they are perishable products that must be carefully preserved to maintain their organoleptic characteristics. The preservation of fresh truffles depends on the variety and the degree of ripeness of the truffle. In general, some basic rules can be followed: store fresh truffles in the refrigerator, individually wrapped in absorbent paper or in a hermetically sealed glass container; change the absorbent paper or clean the glass container every day, to eliminate excess humidity and prevent the formation of mold; consume fresh truffles within a week of harvesting, preferably within three or four days; do not freeze fresh truffles, as they would lose their aroma and flavor.
There cleaning fresh truffles It is a delicate operation that must be done before using them in the kitchen. Cleaning fresh truffles consists of removing impurities and residues of soil that are on the surface of the truffle. To clean fresh truffles you can follow some steps: wash the fresh truffles under running water, rubbing them delicately with a soft brush or with your fingers; dry the truffles with a clean cloth or kitchen paper, dabbing them without rubbing them; cut off any damaged or bruised parts of the fresh truffles with a sharp knife; use the fresh truffles immediately after cleaning them or store them in the refrigerator until ready to use.
Using truffles in cooking
THE truffles in the kitchen They can be eaten raw or cooked, whole or sliced thinly, grated or minced. Fresh truffles can be paired with different foods, such as pasta, rice, eggs, meat, fish, cheese and vegetables.
It is rightly said that truffle is "the diamond in the kitchen". Among the typical recipes of Italian cuisine it is worth mentioning the tajarin with white truffle , which consists of egg pasta cut into very thin strips and seasoned with melted butter and flakes of white truffle. Black truffle risotto is also very popular, which is a risotto creamed with butter and parmesan enriched with flakes of prized black truffle. truffle omelette , simple and tasty, is prepared with beaten eggs with salt, pepper and parsley garnished with flakes or grated fresh truffle. A refined dish is then the fillet with truffle , fillet of beef or veal cooked rare accompanied by a red wine sauce and fresh truffle. Finally, the fish carpaccio with truffle, a light and delicate dish, consists of thin slices of raw fish seasoned with extra virgin olive oil, lemon, salt, pepper and flakes of fresh truffle.
Truffles are ingredients that enhance the flavour of food with which they are combined, even if they require a certain moderation in their use. In fact, fresh truffles have a very intense aroma and flavor, which can cover or alter the taste of other ingredients. For this reason, it is advisable to use them in limited quantities and in combination with simple and neutral foods, which enhance their characteristics without overpowering them.
If you want to discover the fresh truffles from Abruzzo, visit our website: we are one of the most important companies in the production and sale of truffles online .