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Complete guide to the prized black truffle: origins, characteristics and advice for use

Guida completa al Tartufo Nero Pregiato: origini, caratteristiche e consigli per l’uso

The prized black truffle, also known as Tuber melanosporum , is considered by connoisseurs and chefs one of the most sought-after and appreciated varieties of truffle. The reason is its intense and inebriating aroma and sweet and enveloping flavor, which make it the ideal protagonist of gourmet dishes.
His dark and wrinkled surface , reminiscent of a smooth stone, hides a purple pulp crossed by thin white veins, almost drawing marble arabesques. For these unique characteristics, the black truffle is often nicknamed "the black king".

Its refinement, it is worth noting, also involves high prices and limited availability, making it an elite product. To enjoy its characteristic aroma, you must therefore wait for the autumn season, when expert truffle hunters go looking for it in the woods.

Origins of the prized black truffle

The prized black truffle It is native to southern and central Europe, where it has been known since ancient times. For the ancient Romans It was a delicacy to be served both as a condiment and as an aphrodisiac. It was then considered a rare and precious food, the prerogative of nobles and powerful people in the Middle Ages, who consumed it on special occasions.

During the Renaissance, the “black king”, as it was nicknamed in France, acquired great fame, compared to a diamond for its inestimable value and extreme rarity.

A product, therefore, with a centuries-old history behind it, whose origins are lost in myth and which is still sought after and tasted with reverence for its unique flavor and timeless prestige. An authentic "black gold" that fascinates the palate and conquers the collective imagination.

Characteristics of the prized black truffle

The prized black truffle It is distinguished by its rounded shape and the intense black colour of its surface, called peridium. The internal part, called gleba , on the other hand, has a dark purple color with white veins. The aroma is intense and fruity, with earthy hints and sweet notes. The size is usually between a hazelnut and a potato.

The prized black truffle, Furthermore , it is a very delicate mushroom and sensitive to climatic and environmental variations. To grow, it needs calcareous, humid and well-drained soil, a temperature between 5 and 15 degrees, and good exposure to the sun. The prized black truffle is formed between autumn and winter, but reaches its maturity between January and March, when it is ready to be harvested.

The collection of the prized black truffle is a traditional and artisanal activity, which requires the help of dogs or pigs trained to sniff out its intense and unmistakable aroma . The harvest season of the Black Truffle goes from November to March. The best time to enjoy it is definitely winter.

Production areas of the prized black truffle

The prized black truffle is widespread in various Italian regions, but the most renowned production areas are Umbria, Piedmont, Tuscany, Molise and Abruzzo. In particular, Abruzzo is one of the regions most suited to the cultivation of the prized black truffle , thanks to its uncontaminated nature, its biodiversity and its wealth of woods and waters. Abruzzo boasts a long truffle tradition , which is handed down from generation to generation.

Properties and benefits of the prized black truffle

The prized black truffle stands out not only for its unique taste and elegance in the kitchen, but also for the many benefits it offers to our well-being. Rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals, as well as antioxidants, this gift from the earth is a valid support for the immune system , helping to combat cell aging and protect the body from free radicals. Its composition also promotes digestion, stimulating the production of gastric juices and facilitating intestinal transit, thus benefiting the entire digestive process.

Beyond these aspects, the black truffle is appreciated for its diuretic qualities , helping the body to rid itself of excess fluids and toxins, an important aspect of maintaining a clean and functional internal system.

Last but not least, it is celebrated for its role as a natural stimulant of libido and fertility, thanks to the presence of compounds that recall the action of sexual hormones, making it an intriguing ally for couple life.

In short, black truffle is a precious ingredient that can be a protagonist not only on the palate, but also in promoting a healthy and vigorous life.

Preservation of the prized black truffle

The prized black truffle is a fresh and perishable product , which should be consumed as soon as possible after harvesting. However, there are some methods to preserve the prized black truffle and prolong its shelf life.

For example, you can wrap it in a sheet of absorbent paper and then place it in an airtight container in the refrigerator. This way you can preserve the fragrance for about 7-10 days. But be careful to change the absorbent paper often!

Alternatively, you can freeze it whole or in pieces, after cleaning and drying it, in a plastic bag, to be stored in the freezer for no more than six months.

You can, furthermore , subject it to a drying process, after having cut it into thin slices, in a low temperature oven or in a dehydrator, to be stored in a glass jar in a cool and dry place for no more than a year;

Finally, it is possible to preserve it in oil, after having cut it into pieces and sterilized it in boiling water, in a glass jar with extra virgin olive oil, garlic, rosemary and pepper, from keep in the refrigerator for no more than three months.

Pairings in the kitchen

In the kitchen, the Black Truffle has many uses. It can be grated raw on first courses such as tagliolini, rice and soups. Or used to flavor meat-based second courses, especially poultry, but also eggs, cheeses and side dishes. Since it is very aromatic, you only need to use small quantities.

The best pairings with the Black Truffle are:

  • scrambled or jacketed eggs ;
  • First courses with raw egg yolk;
  • white meats such as chicken, turkey and rabbit;
  • fresh and creamy cheeses;
  • vegetable and potato side dishes;

How to use the prized black truffle

To get the best out of prized black truffle , it is advisable to start the preparation by carefully removing every trace of soil, using a soft brush or a slightly damp cloth. Once cleaned, the truffle reveals its full potential if sliced ​​thinly, using ad hoc tools: think of a dedicated truffle slicer or a mandolin. Or if you prefer, you can grate it finely when serving.

To preserve the integrity of its aroma and its beneficial properties, add the raw truffle , immediately after cooking your dishes. In this way, the heat will enhance the aroma without compromising it.

It is also wise to use truffle sparingly: too much could overwhelm the other flavors in the dish and weigh down the palate, while the right amount invites a sensory journey, where each ingredient is enhanced.

Where to buy the prized black truffle

The prized black truffle is therefore a real delicacy capable of giving a unique aroma and taste to many recipes. Try buying it fresh online to fully appreciate its aroma and flavor.

If you are looking for a black truffle of high quality and certified origin, we recommend you visit our website, where you can find a wide selection of fresh truffles. What are you waiting for? Enter the world of Tartufi La Spora and let yourself be conquered by the prized black truffle!

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